
The Multiport Agency Network with its global representation comes uniquely qualified to represent you in a multitude of shipping needs. Our Members have many great competencies beyond Port Agency and Services Offerings.

Our international directory, lists the capabilities and offerings from each agent in any country of the world. From Taylor Made Port Agency solutions and husbandry services to the highly complex projects and heavy list, Multiport Agencies provides it all. Our history as well as our client base speaks for itself. With over 7000 clients around the Globe. With a centralized access point, we are also able to develop a global solution bringing into play around the world a single point of contact (SPOC), acting as ONE INTEGRATED INDEPENDENT AGENCY NETWORK.

Maritime Training

Multiport Members are qualified professionals, trained for any shipping scenario.

All the experience combined of our independent agents, is focused to deliver professional maritime training for both seafarers, maritime administration, shore-based personnel and others.

Husbandry Services

As the Largest Independent Global Agency, Multiport delivers the best care for all your vessel’s husbandry matters in any port Worldwide.

As a trusted extension of your team, we keep your port stays short and your ships on the move. Masters, Charterers and Ship Owners want a reliable agent in port to take care of their husbandry needs, and we understand the key elements for your operations, and with our excellent network of members, we provide not only a service, we provide accuracy and honesty. Relying on Multiport, to take care of your interests and working with the best local agent, enables fast vessel turn-around and cost efficiencies, optimising all your operational needs. We have the largest international network and most recognised independent agents and service suppliers ready to deliver any service or product when needed.

Protecting Agency

In every port around the world, a standard call requires a nominated agent responsible for the operational and financial coordination between the vessel, the owners/operator and the port.

Shipowner´s or charterers may choose to appoint protective agent to look after their interests. Multiport conducts and oversees the activities of charterers’ agent on behalf of vessel or ship owners, supervising and monitoring all your port call operations. By working in the interest of our principals, we make sure the right procedures are followed to enhance the effective and efficient functioning of any operation.

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